
Saturday, 19 December 2015

Pastor TB Joshua’s daughter called to the bar in New York, gives interview

Serah Oyindamola Joshua, is the first daughter of Pastor T.B. Joshua. She was called to the Bar this week in Nigeria having successfully completed the September 2015 Bar Final Examinations at the Nigerian Law School. In an exclusive interview with The Guardian, Serah revealed that she will also be called to the bar in New York in January, having passed final examinations in November.

“I’m grateful to God, my family and friends, who have been of help to me. I am humbled and privileged to have succeeded. I am privileged and fortunate to be the daughter of such a humble and great man of God called TB Joshua. He is someone I look up to because my father is a man of God and he has been able to guide me every time I need him. I am so humbled to be his daughter. He has been a good guide. Thus, I can’t afford to disappoint him and God, because to whom much is given, much is expected.” Serah told The Guardian

How does she react to comments about her father? She says,

“He is a true example of humility. I have seen so many character traits in him that are worthy to emulate. As a father, he is the best father anybody can pray to have. I am not just saying that because he is my father; this is just the truth. Also, it’s not what I think about him or what people think about him that counts but what God says about him.” She adds, “That’s why I said he is a true man of God and it’s not what people say that counts but what God says. Everybody has the right to air his or her opinion but God’s opinion counts most.”

What was his reaction to her success story?
“He was very happy and proud of me. I am always happy whenever he is proud of me.  He has given me so much and I feel I have a lot to offer and can’t afford to disappoint him.”
Was their special gift or words of encouragement he gave her as a child?
“Life is an experience,” she exclaims.  “I know my dad and he is a living example of how to be, humble and devoted to God.”

The name TB Joshua has opened doors for her, but not as many would think. “When people know that I am his daughter, they are always surprised and that spur me on to work harder and achieve what I want. To every glory is a story to tell.”
She adds, “he is the best dad I could ever wish for. I am so grateful to God and proud.”
On how her friends relate to her and whether they expect her to introduce them to him for prayers? She has this to say: “Yes, many are surprised, and some even want me to introduce them to him for prayers.”

What’s next for Serah?
“I will also be called to bar in New York in January.  I passed the final examinations in November and I’m getting set for the January date in New York Supreme Court.”

Challenges growing up?
The young lady, who attended Ronik International School, Ejigbo, Lagos State, and later, the London School of Economic, where she did her law degree and a master’s in New York, whispers, “we all have challenges, but with what my father has taught me, I see challenges as stepping stone to greater heights. Also, challenges are not personal, because God is involved in seeing you through.  Every stumbling block is a lesson to move higher in life.”
Is she her daddy or mummy’s pet?
She expresses surprises, and heaves, “I am daddy’s pet, because I admire him a lot and the best is yet to come.”

Yours Truly
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from AfrikMouth
via JimiVaey

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